Sensing extrovert

Discussing the Intelligence Engine - Sensing extrovert

Se stands for Sensing extrovert. If the letter S stands alone, it is the identity of Machine-Intelligence. According to the STIFIn concept, there are only 5 types of machine intelligence, and S is one of the 5 Machine-Intelligences. The Machine-Intelligence identity turns into personality when the Machine-Intelligence is coupled with the type of steering behind it. There are only two types of intelligence steering, i (introvert) and e (extrovert). Se is thus already a personality identity. S is capitalized because its influence as Machine-Intelligence is greater than the lower-case e which acts only as the steering wheel of intelligence.

Simple definition of Sensing extrovert

The simple definition of Sensing extrovert is a personality type based on five-sensory intelligence whose work process is driven from outside of itself to its inside.  This Se personality has the distinction of having the ability of flexibility and muscle strength that exceeds the other eight personality types.  This advantage can be equated with physical intelligence or called PQ (Physical Quotient).

The operating system in type Se is in the lower hemisphere of the brain on the left or referred to as the left limbic.  In the left limbic, the steering wheel of intelligence is in the gray layer located on the outside or surface of the brain.  The gray left limbic is the operating system of type Se.

The gray layer has a more tenuous brain texture because it contains fewer brain cells.  The lower density compared to the inner layer makes the steering wheel of intelligence move from outside to inside.  This causes the “master of the body” to be more lazy to move because his biorimic source depends on external triggers.

The intelligence machine S is actually identical to a muscle.  They have strong muscles.  Strong muscles are because S people have red muscles where aerobic energy is stored.  Of course, the muscle must be used frequently so that the muscle develops and stores more aerobic energy.  Type Se stores great potential energy but is very dependent on the availability of batteries (chargers) that are outside of itself causing Se to tend to be like a diesel that starts slowly but over time will get stronger.  The physical constitution is athletic but tends to be small in size but is supported by the presence of fine motor skills so that it has amazing physical flexibility.

The Essence of you

Your intelligence Sensing refers to your five senses, which make you concrete and practical. The intelligence is steered to move from the outside in, so you are easily exposed to many new opportunities.

The brain’s operating system is located in: Left Limbic Hemisphere, Gray (Outer) Layer.

Type of intelligence: Physical Quotient.

Role: Frontliner.

Strengths: Momentum.

Target: Opportunity.

Expectation: Profit Generating.

Brand Direction: Brand on her self-assurance.

Manners towards money: Extravagant.

Physical Shape: Small athleticism.

Physical Strength: Soft red muscles.

Body Function: Power and flexibility.

Four Key Words: Remembering, Muscles, Diligence, Printable.

How to Study: Mark reading, record visual aids, repeat practice questions.

Increasing Interest in Learning :  Lured with measurable incentives.

Self:  Looking for a field to plant his money.

Marriages: Pursued by Treasure.

School Virtues leading to careers in appropriate industries: Economics, Sports, military, hospitality, history.

School to other chosen professions: Economist, athlete, soldier, hotelier, historian, banker, landlord, doctor, journalist, artist, manufacturing, secretary, librarian, operator, clerk, singer, factory worker, security, naturalist painter, photographer, cameraman, presenter, dancer, field worker in various sectors, etc.

Positives to nurture and things to watch out for in yourself: Resilient like a man but spoiled like a woman, wide exposure to adventure but slow internalization of maturity, like a brave person but actually a dwarf, being a companion who is easy to please but not easy to fall in love with, gentle in appearance but his voice is often shrill, difficult to start work but if he has started working his determination (order) is strong. Generous but wasteful as a connoisseur, expects certainty but quickly feels cornered and then runs away.



Strong personality that can be psychometrically researched:

Adventurous: Very brave / risky.

Playful: Likes to play.

Demonstrative: Lively and free in their movements.

Generous: Generous.

Show off: Likes to show off.

Steady : Sturdy.

Inoffensive : Doesn’t like to be annoying.

Endurance: Having endurance.

Deterministic: Deterministic.


Personality Traits of Sensing extrovert (Se)

An androgynous personality. Sometimes sturdy like a man and sometimes very spoiled like a woman. This type of woman when widowed will tend to become a single parent because she feels she doesn’t need anyone else, her femininity and maleness seem to be the same. An adventurous soul who wants to go and explore the world but has a small heart and is often insecure. Great at tongue-twisting but has the strength of a lovable companion.

She is a calm, gentle, lazy person but occasionally she will be a powerful thunderbolt. A very generous person but he won’t spend all his wealth because he’s always willing to spend for pleasure. They are the kind of connoisseurs who have no equal.

When it comes to the ability to remember things chronologically, they are experts and that is their strength to dialogue even to the point of arguing with their interlocutors. A strong working personality, they do not like to work in an atmosphere of uncertainty. They are motivated by certainty. Although he is the type of loyal companion, if he has been hurt, he is the type of personality who immediately decides to leave. If injured will easily run away


Daily Profile of Sensing Type

  • Grounded in the real and actual
  • Present-oriented
  • Relying on experience
  • Using language as a communication tool
  • Incorporating details & facts
  • Processing information based on five senses
  • Absorb ideas gradually
  • Clear and organized speech patterns
  • Better understands his/her body
  • Remembers the past accurately
  • More interested in practical applications
  • Likes opportunities for practice
  • One thought follows another
  • Interested in work that requires practicality
  • Tends to listen until complete
  • Factual and attentive to detail
  • Describes events in order
  • Thinks linearly using facts and examples
  • Prefers non-fiction stories
  • Straight to the point

Positive attitude of Sensing extrovert

  • Adventurous : Likes to do new things & dares to do them.
  • Generous : Known to be very generous or generous in many ways.
  • Deterministic: Able to do what you want to do.
  • Diesel: If you are already working, you don’t want to stop.
  • Playful: Full of fun and a good sense of humor.

Negative attitude of Sensing extrovert

  • Fearful: Often experiencing feelings of extreme worry, sadness & anxiety.
  • Show off: Likes to be noticed, wants to be seen.

The main strength of the Sensing

  • Running 
  • Sort
  • Imitate 
  • Detailing 
  • Recording
  • Explaining
  • Administer
  • Perceiving
  • Regulate
  • referenced

Best character Sensing extrovert

  • Practical Implementer
  • Concise Follow-Up
  • Best Linguist 
  • Stable Diesel
  • Loyalty of the patient
  • Opportunity seeker
  • Generous owner
  • Best reminder
  • Tough super worker
  • The most loyal companion

How to focus an Sensing extrovert (example)

  • School Choice: Sports School
  • Professional Development: Moving to a City with Supportive Habitat 
  • Support: Specialized Coach & Additional Coach 
  • End Goal: National Athlete
  • Extroverted Sensing preferred profession: Anthropologist, Historian, Linguist, Presenter.

Finding a Conducive Habitat

  • Natural Habitat: Flat area, colored plants
  • Social Habitat: Permissive Society
  • Industrial Habitat: Manufacturing Industry. Entertainment Industry

Learning process characteristics Sensing extrovert

Every human being has 5 Intelligence Machines, but only one is dominant and this is called MODALITY OF INTELLIGENCE.

Learning Type (Si) : Modeling, Diligent Practice – Done – Recorded 

(Increase the number of practice questions, the memory becomes more, if it is applied as an experience, measured from the events remembered like a historian).

The Best Way to Learn Sensing: Increase practice questions


Learning Disorders: Inferiority, lack of confidence to perform in front of others. For example: “My achievements are mediocre, I don’t need to dream about joining the competition.”

Learning Calibration: Playing can be productive, learning while playing.

The quality of an Intelligent learner from the lowest to the highest:

(SENSING intelligence machine in a SENSING environment)

1. Neglect and procrastination.

2. Busy finishing yesterday’s homework.

3. Busy working to prepare for tomorrow

4. Today is very busy

An Intelligent Person is: A person whose one hemisphere of the brain works better than the same hemisphere in other people, making them SMART in one STIFIn.


A Smart Student is: People who are able to optimize their intelligence machine in the lessons they are studying so as to produce better quality grades.

The stage of overcoming learning disabilities

Increase positive conditions 

Recognize what internal and external conditions can keep you away from the emergence of learning disease triggers, then involve yourself in these conditions as much as possible.

Minimize negative conditions

Recognize what internal and external conditions can trigger the emergence of learning diseases, then avoid these conditions.

Accept your illness

When your illness comes, accept it honestly, especially to yourself. Avoid being defensive, as this will only make things more difficult.

Face your illness under the guidance of your best ‘teacher’

Face your illness by taking actions that are in opposition to it. In this process make sure you are under the guidance of your best “teacher”, so that the process you do becomes a clear and planned process (not wild and sporadic).


Learning smart VS not smart Sensing Type



Static, empty, boring, sickly.


Skills and memorization do not increase, instant gratification.


Opportunistic, loyalty defects, physical fighting.


Undisciplined & irresponsible.



Be bright, optimistic, and always have a program.


Quick response, great memory, multi-skill champion.


Lifelong, can be made into a right-hand man, must be honest.


Disciplined living with multiple roles.

Train Expertise/Sensing Type Skills


  • Remembering the summary of successful people’s life tips
  • Look fit and fresh
  • Complete important work from the smallest detail


  • Collecting good proposals in a personal library
  • Record important issues and matters and organize them
  • Relying solely on his/her brain trains to bring out ideas and improve them


  • Organize digital data with systematic folders
  • Note which parts of the work can be made more efficient
  • Make a list of suggestions needed for coworkers up, down, sideways and the schedule for submitting them.


  • Make learning time work for 8 x 60 minutes
  • Increase observations of events around them
  • Starting to carry out with full seriousness in order to produce concrete things

To Become an Expert in Your Field

1. Recognize Machine Intelligence (Se)

2. Starting a Self-Development Habitat

3. Find a Coach/Teacher to guide your choice of profession:

  • The Ultimate Sensing Extrovert Coach / Teacher =>Feeling Introvert
  • Respected Coach/Teacher Sensing Extrovert =>Intuiting Introvert

Decades of Achieving Expert : Banting bones chasing rivals, after being caught up, looking for new rivals.

Decades of Rotating Assets: With a starting position use every momentum that comes.

Decade of Achieving Epos / Positive Energy: Generous upwards (tabaruk), prosperous below.

Mainstream Treasure: Banks, Markets 

Greatness    : Muscles.

How to learn: Memorize  

Focus on: Sightings

Habits    : Play 

Keys to Success: Increase frequency.

Contributive Attitude & Behavior

Fight greed with sahaja:

1. Relieve oneself by avoiding extravagance.

2. Able to start from the bottom.

3. Do not want to be alone.

4. Stay away from anger of self and others.

Arrogant with humble:

1. Take lessons from anyone.

2. Subdue pride by learning.

3. Wear your own personalized clothes.

4. The height of virtue is attained through humility.

Fight wishful thinking with trust:

1. Dependence only on Him.

2. Do not be weak and do not grieve.

3. Cross the bridge when it arrives.

4. Realize destiny is always given the best.

Fight denial with obedience:

1. Make knowledge the fuel for character.

2. Pursue guidance by fearing sin.

3. Do not challenge the arrival of bad luck.

4. Accept the standard that has been set.


Three Anatomies of Life Leadership

Lead Beliefs: A set of principles & values that also become our sacred mission in life, beliefs give strength.

Lead the Action: Concrete activities based on a set of rules of life

Pimpin Pekerti: The mental attitude that gives birth to daily behavior.,,

Typology of Sensing Intelligence Engine