Discussing the Intelligence Engine - Thinking extrovert
In the STIFIn concept there are only five Intelligence Machines, and T is one of them. The Intelligence-Machine identity turns into a personality when the Intelligence-Machine is coupled with the steering type behind it.
There are only two intelligence steering types, i (introvert) and e (extrovert). Te is thus already a personal identity.T is capitalized because its influence as an Intelligence-Machine is greater than the lower-case e which acts only as an intelligence rudder. The simple definition of Thinking extrovert is a type of personality based on logical intelligence whose work process is driven from outside itself to its inside.
Te personality has the distinction of having the ability to reason widely in the form of more effective management and logical control that exceeds the other eight personality types. This advantage can be equated with logical intelligence or called LQ (Logical Quotient).
Simple definition of Thinking extrovert
The operating system in type Te is located in the upper hemisphere of the brain on the left or referred to as the left cerebrum or summarized as the left brain. In the left brain, the steering wheel of intelligence is in the gray layer located on the outside or surface of the brain. The gray left brain is the operating system of type Te.
The gray layer has a looser brain texture because it contains fewer brain cells. The lower speed compared to the inner layer makes the steering wheel of intelligence move from outside to inside. This causes “the man with the body” to be more adapted to his external environment because it is from the external environment that he gets the energy to turn his head. The energy that comes to process his left brain comes from outside himself.
Machine-Intelligence T is really synonymous with bones. They have large and strong bones. With a picnic body shape (constitution), the bone element is proportionally dominant. It is called picnic because the body size is smaller in volume than other types while the bone volume is the most dominant compared to other types. As a result, the bones of the skeleton support a lighter load so that it is easy to move around. That is why it is called piknis.
Te type does not have a battery (charger) inside itself and instead it brings it from outside. This causes Te to have bones that lack energy. Although the proportion of bones is more dominant than the size of the body, T people in general are also lazy to move even though they are actually easy to move. This is because in the T Intelligence Machine, the available energy tends to be sucked up by the head. Whereas the use of energy by the head consumes a large amount of energy.
The Essence of you
Your Thinking intelligence refers to your logic, which makes you rational and objective. This intelligence is steered to move from the outside in, so that you are adept at being a commander in an organization.
The brain’s operating system is located in: Left Hemisphere, Gray Layer (outside)
Types of intelligence: Logical Quotient
Role: Chief
Pros: Multiplying
Target: Authority
Expectation: Controlling
Brand Direction: Brand on its managerial process.
Propensity towards money: Collecting.
Physical Form: Thin piknis.
Physical Strength: Soft bones and joints
Body Function: Bones move quickly.
Four Key Words: Reasoning, Bone, Independent, Expanding.
Learning Method: Reason through the reading by creating easy structures and schemas.
Increase Interest in Learning: Opened the path of victory to defeat his opponent.
Self: Looking for a factory to run his “machine”.
Partnership: Throne Wanted.
TheSchool’s emphasis is towards careers in suitable industries: Management/Government, Manufacturing, Property, Livestock.
School to other selected professions:
Manager/Executive/Judiciary, manufacturing, property business, farming, researcher, manufacturer, petroleum, drilling, programmer, doctor, pharmacist, economist, manager, lecturer/teacher, property, engineer, physicist, chemist, management consultant, taknokrat, bureaucrat, tax, manufacturer, quality control, auditor, strategist, football coach, policy maker, system analyst, engineer, developer, athlete, etc.
Positives to build on and things to watch out for in yourself:
Likes to win, like a conqueror but lacks the stamina to continue competing, empirical truth only comes from his own experience but does not like the truth from the advice of others, good at accumulating profits with extensive coverage (reviews) but lacks the skill to make a profit.
but does not like the truth from other people’s advice, good at accumulating profits with a wide coverage (review) but less adept at making long-term priorities, his role is very circulafir in all his entities, but unfortunately he is not good at reading other people’s advice.
long-term prioritization, its role is very circulafir in all entities but unfortunately it is not good at reading aspirations, has a dynamic life cycle but is too normative.
dynamic but too normative.
Strong personality that can be psychometrically researched:
Thoughtful : Wise
Analytical: Analytical
Competitive : Competing
Reserved : Quiet, Loner, Unfriendly
Planner: Planner
Positive: Assertive
Argumentative: Like to Argue.
Forceful: Strong Leader
Justice: Fair
Formal: Rigid/Too Formal
Thinking extrovert personality traits (Te)
A personality that loves winning. Everyone in their presence is considered an opponent who needs to be defeated. They are hungry for victory, so they appear ferocious, like a conqueror. Their way of thinking is very empirical, referring to the logical experiences they have gone through. But they also like to contemplate the diametric pole of logicality. People have strong principles and at the same time are anti-admonished.
In terms of managing finances they have the intelligence to accumulate even with widespread coverage. Their greatness lies in their very circulative role, everywhere needs them but unfortunately they are often suddenly disconnected like a short circuit. They are good at categorical sorting but are overly normative. They have a dynamic life cycle and are good at seeking power. Their ambition for power is strong. He is a very clever person but not very good at reading aspirations.
Daily Profile of Thinking extrovert Type (Te)
- Uses the mind more
- Solve problems logically
- Thought minded
- Using cause and effect
- Uses analysis without personal consideration.
- More like a man’s attitude (65%)
- Fair, decisions based on objective criteria
- Coldly keeps a distance from others
- Showing data
- Giving formal praise
- Has assertiveness in demanding rights
- Rarely ask questions if time does not permit
- More critical in improving the work
- Argue & debate as a critical calling
- Self-confident on behalf of self
- Seemingly insensitive
Thinking extrovert type's positive attitude
- Reserved: Restraint in showing emotion or enthusiasm.
- Resourceful : Can act quickly & effectively in almost all situations.
- Confident : Confident in his/her ability and success.
- Thoughful: Perceptive & remembers special opportunities and gives certain conditions.
Negative attitude of Thinking extrovert type
- Critical: Always evaluating and making judgments, often thinking or expressing negative reactions.
- Defensive: Strong defense despite external attacks.
Thinking-type main strengths
Best character Thinking extrovert
- Most Measurable Results
- Broadest Control.
- Best Responsibility
- Most Effective Executor.
- Most Directed Planner
- Most Absorbed Winner
- Structured Experience
- Strongest Principle
- Best Accumulator
- Smartest Problem Solver
How to focus an Thinking extrovert type (example)
- School Choice: Industrial Engineering College
- Professional Development: Working in an Overseas Company.
- Support: Certification Course
- Final Destination: Production Director
Finding a Conducive Habitat
- Natural Habitat: Highland Open Area
- Habitat Social: Educated Society.
- Industry Habitat: Research & Technology Industry
Learning process characteristics Thinking extrovert
Every human being has 5 Intelligence Engines, but only one is dominant and this is called the MODALITY OF INTELLIGENCE.
How to Learn Type (Te) : Schematize the problem -selected-reasoned, trained to scale the problem in a simple framework, store processed data instead of raw data, able to make cause and effect well.
How to Learn Best Thinking: By using your left brain’s ability to THINK. Observe a work process or task, find the weaknesses, fix them and then see the results.
Learning Disorders: Rationalization-The ability to give logical reasons for failure. For example: My grades are obviously bad, considering that I only study at home for half an hour a day.
Learning Calibration: Travel-Feel rejuvenated after traveling.
The quality of an Intelligent learner from the lowest to the highest:
(THINKING intelligence machine in THINKING environment)
1. Don’t know if you don’t know.
2. Don’t know if you know.
3. Know if you don’t know.
4. Knows That He Knows.
An Intelligent Person is: A person whose one hemisphere of the brain works better than the same hemisphere in other people, making them SMART in one STIFIn.
A Smart Student is: People who are able to optimize their intelligence machine in the lessons they are studying so as to produce better quality grades.
The stage of overcoming learning disabilities
Increase positive conditions
Recognize what internal and external conditions can keep you away from the emergence of learning disease triggers, then involve yourself in these conditions as much as possible.
Minimize negative conditions
Recognize what internal and external conditions can trigger the emergence of learning diseases, then avoid these conditions.
Accept your illness
When your illness comes, accept it honestly, especially to yourself. Avoid being defensive, as this will only make things more difficult.
Face your illness under the guidance of your best ‘teacher’
Face your illness by taking actions that are in opposition to it. In this process make sure you are under the guidance of your best “teacher”, so that the process you do becomes a clear and planned process (not wild and sporadic).
Learning smart VS not smart Thinking type
Dependent, stubborn, defensive, enabling
Narrow view, lack of info, not reviewing
Ignorant, lots of uncertainty, no systems & rules.
High error rate, careless, doesn’t bother.
Focus plan, full of initiative, keep looking for the important things
Up-to-date data, strategic analysis, takes everything into account, able to distinguish between facts & opinions
Controls, starts the system and organizes salaries.
Span more thoroughly, keep up to date, always look for wrong sources.
Training Expertise Skills of Thinking Type
- Establish standard measures of success for each work program
- Systematize the data base related to previous performance
- Able to think equally well from start to finish
- Sharpen to see one’s own as well as others’ work errors and save them
- scales the flow of work precisely
- sharpen accuracy precisely
- Select people to prioritize who need coaching and a special approach
- Thinking about good recognition for the team
- Improve the span of control over people to reach the optimal scale in relation to the scale of each load
- Make systematic important proposals and explain them in arguments
- Make long-term work plans
- Learn the technology of daily work tools used
To Become an Expert in Your Field
1. Recognize Machine Intelligence (Te)
2. Starting a Self-Development Habitat
3. Find a Coach/Teacher to guide your choice of profession.
- Primary Coach / Teacher Thinking Extrovert =>Sensing Introvert
- Respected Coach/Teacher Thinking Extrovert =>Feeling Introvert
Decade of Achieving Expert
Work your way up through the ranks, then advance to higher level organizations.
Decade of Rotating Assets
Accelerating the self from within through its cleverness.
Decade of Achieving Epos
Serving as a statesman
Clue yourself
Find an organization
Contributive Attitude & Behavior
Fight envy with affection:
- Always want to make more friends
- Love others.
- Always be patient with all negative attacks.
- Always be happy for the success of others.
Fight stinginess with generosity:
- Always want to share favors.
- Giving even above the narrow.
- Extend EPOS even to enemies.
- Be generous from the small to the life.
Fight selfishness / asocial by sharing :
- Building fortune on the needs of others.
- Not wasting opportunities for charity.
- Share because you want to share His pleasure.
- The contents of nature never run out.
- Always fear Him.
Three Anatomies of Life Leadership
Lead Beliefs: A set of principles & values that also become our sacred mission in life, beliefs give strength.
Lead the Action: Actions that are based on a set of rules for living.
Pimpin Pekerti: The mental attitude that gives birth to daily behavior.
Typology of Thinking Intelligence Engine