Intuiting extrovert

Discussing the Intelligence Engine - Intuiting extrovert

According to the STIFIn concept, Ie stands for Intuiting extrovert. If the letter I stands alone, it is the identity of the Intelligence Machine itself, there are only five Intelligence Machines, and I is one of the 5 Intelligence Machines. The identity of the Intelligence-Machine turns into a personality when the Intelligence-Machine is coupled with the type of steering behind it. There are only two intelligence steering types, i (introvert) and e (extrovert). Ie is thus already a Personality Identity. I is capitalized because its influence as an Intelligence-Machine is greater than the lower-case e which acts only as an intelligence rudder.

Simple definition of Intuiting extrovert

is a type of personality based on sixth sense intelligence (intuition) whose work process is driven from outside of itself to within itself. This Ie personality is unique because it has a spatial creativity ability that exceeds the other eight personality types. This advantage can be equated with spatial intelligence or called Sp-Q (Spatial Quotient).

The operating system in type Ie is in the upper hemisphere of the brain on the right or referred to as the right cerebrum or summarized as the right brain. In the right brain, the steering wheel of intelligence is in the gray layer which is located on the outside or surface of the brain. The gray right brain is the operating system of type Ie.

The gray layer has a looser brain texture because it contains fewer brain cells. The lower density compared to the inner layer makes the steering wheel of intelligence move from outside to inside. This causes the ‘master of the body’ when he has a good idea to be brought down to earth so that it can be better accepted by the community or environment. Therefore, often I people in general have a sloping shoulder shape as if they are like a rocket guided by their head, especially the right brain.

Machine-Intelligence I is actually synonymous with a long stomach. They have a long stomach in which there is a long intestine. The long stomach is apparently a characteristic for I people who process food into anaerobic energy and are stored in white muscles. The anaerobic energy contained in this white muscle is an unstable and explosive energy. That is why this type of energy will be good for sprinting at high speed. Anaerobic power is explosive power. Of course, these white muscles must be used frequently so that the muscles develop and have the capacity to store more anaerobic power.

Type Ie becomes more unstable because the availability of batteries (chargers) outside of itself causes Ie to have instantaneous explosive power. In addition to having an asthenic (tall) and thin physical constitution, Ie people also have a head that is more flattened towards the back, making it easier to absorb horizontal aspirations without losing their vertical orientation. This can be likened to an alien landing on earth.


The Essence of you

Your Intuitive Intelligence refers to your sixth sense, which is also your creative brain. This intelligence is driven from the outside in, so you are good at predicting future business trends.

The brain’s operating system is in : Right Hemisphere, Gray Layer (outside).

Body Function: Short-distance Sprinter

Four Keywords : Making up, long belly, change, assembly.

Learning Method: Formulate the theme being studied, facilitate with disassembly props, and occasionally practice questions.

Increase interest in learning: Giving space and facilitating their interests.

Self: Looking for a Business to capitalize its assets.

Chemistry: Landing the Word.

The Virtues of School towards a career in a suitable industry: Entrepreneurship/Investment, Education/Training, Literature, Cinematography (Filmmaking), Espionage/Policing.

School to other selected professions : Entrepreneur/Investor, education/training business, literary writer, cinematographer, detective, artist, entrepreneur, pure science researcher, quantum physicist, songwriter, reengineering, business forecaster, stock players, investors, philosophers, learning experts/modules, event organizers, producers, designers, creative experts in various fields, architects, directors, abstract painters, magicians, fortune tellers, stock brokers, athletes (sprinters/competitors, healers, psychics, etc.).

Positives to nurture and things to watch out for in yourself: Like a detective who is good at investigating, he must be distant from his environment, adores his personal mission but is reluctant to be burdened with deep relationships, his intuition and creativity are widespread but there are times when he runs ascetically or goes on a binge, big ideas are assembled with his own ideas to become more valuable but unfortunately he is dependent on his mastermind, always wants change contextually and progressively but does not realize the fire of hostility against him.

Strong personality that can be psychometrically researched:

Inspiring: Encourager, Inspirer

Solver: Solver (problem/problem)

Benchmarker: Benchmarking

Expressive : Expressive

Respectful : Polite, respectful

Assemblies : Assemble, put together

Detective: Spy

Selective: Selector

Diesel: Diesel (Engine)

Intuiting extrovert personality traits (Ie)

A detective-like personality. They are good at figuring out where the disconnected events are and they are good at putting them together imaginatively. As a detective, therefore, they don’t want to get too far into acquaintance with others. It’s enough just to get to know them, because they are afraid of being burdened with a deeper relationship. They set high standards for themselves in their personal missions, although there are often areas where they are not careful enough.

Their personalities are active and not outdated, although they can also sometimes escape the world of reality and become ascetic. Their greatness lies in exploring their intuition and the vast space for creativity, but they are still not the rare, detached human being. They also need the release party of having fun with their peers. They work like an idea assembler. They assemble big ideas with their own ideas to become something more useful. Unfortunately, the personality of the idea assembler is dependent on others, lacking independence. Actually, they are not insecure people but they need to be validated by others.

If they have run their machines in pursuit of a mission, they are capable of living in isolation apart from their own entity. Their thinking is systemic, even if they personally ignore others. Very good at alligning problems or programs but at the same time not comfortable in the status quo. They always want change. always changing.


Daily Profile of Intuiting extrovert Type (Ie)

  • Attention to overview
  • Diverse speech patterns, uses many comparison sentences
  • Gives room for alternatives and does not jump to conclusions
  • See patterns & meaning
  • Likes fictional stories
  • Processes information based on intuition
  • Speaks to big, strategic things
  • Start anywhere
  • Have a mission ahead
  • More interested in imaginative understanding
  • Has a whirling but patterned mind
  • Tend to finish other people’s sentences
  • Future-oriented
  • Appear intellectual or classy
  • Likes the possibility to be creative
  • Uses language to express themselves
  • Abstract & theoretical
  • Rely on inspiration
  • Figurative, using analogies and metaphors
  • Interested in work that involves creativity

Intuiting extrovert type's positive attitude

  • Animated: Full of life, often using hand, arm & facial gestures.
  • Competitive: Turns every situation, event or game into a contest and always plays to win.
  • Optimistic: Is cheerful and assures himself and others that everything will work out.
  • Cheeful: Consistently has high spirits and promotes happiness in others.
  • Lively: Full of life, strong & energetic.

Negative attitude of Intuiting extrovert type

  • Unrealistic: Sometimes unrealistic especially when it comes to ideas.
  • Obsessive: Tends to like doing things repetitively.

Intuiting-type main strengths

  • Conceptualizing 
  • Viewing 
  • Create 
  • Rejecting
  • Synthesize
  • Update
  • Perspective
  • Design
  • Transform
  • Projecting

Best character Intuiting extrovert

  • Patterned cultivator 
  • The most creative inventor 
  • The best solution finder 
  • Capitalizer of potential 
  • Explorers of the latest concepts
  • Most Intuitive Detector
  • Creative Assembler
  • Top Quality Seeker
  • Systematic Aligner
  • Fastest problem solver

How to focus an Intuiting extrovert type (example)

  • School Choice  : Business & Kulinery Course
  • Professional Development: Opened an exclusive goods store.
  • Support: TV program filler
  • Final Goals: Entrepreneur, Investor

Finding a Conducive Habitat

  • Natural Habitat: Large trees, slightly warm temperature
  • Social Habitat: Classy Society.
  • Industry Habitat: Creative Industries

Learning process characteristics Intuiting extrovert

Every human being has 5 Intelligence Engines, but only one is dominant and this is called the MODALITY OF INTELLIGENCE.

How to Learn Type (Ie): Find patterns-add value-predict 

(From all the problems that arise, look for patterns of similarities & differences, capture the exposure of ideas into new value-added ideas, understand the consequences of events)

Learning Illness: Fantasy Having a strong imagination that is reluctant to be present in the moment. For example: “This kind of theater would be amazing if collaborated with a reality show, and it can be done.”

Learning Calibration: Watch a Movie

The quality of an Intelligent learner from the lowest to the highest:

(INTUITING intelligence machine in INTUITING environment)

1. Forgetting favors.

2. Realizing great favor, but thankful to pay in installments.

3. Realizing the great favor, thankfully paying in cash.

4. Aware of small favors, always grateful.

An Intelligent Person is: A person whose one hemisphere of the brain works better than the same hemisphere in other people, making them SMART in one STIFIn.

A Smart Student is: People who are able to optimize their intelligence machine in the lessons they are studying so as to produce better quality grades.

The stage of overcoming learning disabilities

Increase positive conditions 

Recognize what internal and external conditions can keep you away from the emergence of learning disease triggers, then involve yourself in these conditions as much as possible.

Minimize negative conditions

Recognize what internal and external conditions can trigger the emergence of learning diseases, then avoid these conditions.

Accept your illness

When your illness comes, accept it honestly, especially to yourself. Avoid being defensive, as this will only make things more difficult.

Face your illness under the guidance of your best ‘teacher’

Face your illness by taking actions that are in opposition to it. In this process make sure you are under the guidance of your best “teacher”, so that the process you do becomes a clear and planned process (not wild and sporadic).

Learning smart VS not smart Intuiting type



Excuses, blind dreamers, horse goggles, fear of conflict and challenge.


Creates failure, creative short-sightedness, starts out cynical and stunted


Summarize solutions, avoid complexity, dead-end and divert


Raw synthesis, fear of going outside the box, stuck in analysis and opinion, barren of creativity



Good at synergizing, creative in resolving transaction cracks


Continues his brilliant ideas, always has a production breakthrough, foresight, keen to find difficult knots


Never get stuck, focus on opportunities, make solutions more valuable, able to solve from the side


Produces positive synthesis, able to stay on the racing track, achievements in quality classes, good at going outside the box.

Training Expertise Skills of IntuitingType


  • Retreat once a week to find inspiration
  • Improve prediction skills
  • Making the right investment for self-improvement


  • Finding a list of inspirational stories and categorizing them
  • Make a habit of making open and alternative conclusions
  • Allowing himself/herself to take risky decisions


  • Convincing the closest party of the team’s target to be achieved
  • Risking a certain cost package for a mission he wants to accomplish
  • Increase the speed of pursuing achievements by 2 times


  • Arranging the future followed by the courage to take risks
  • Planning for the future in another place (another company or country)
  • Set new achievements to be pursued with all-out effort

To Become an Expert in Your Field

1. Recognize Machine Intelligence (Ie)


2. Starting a Self-Development Habitat


3. Find a Coach/Teacher to guide your choice of profession.


Coach/Teacher Favored Intuiting Extrovert =>Insting

Respected Coach/Teacher Intuiting Extrovert =>Thinking Introvert

Decade of Achieving Experts: Dream & Dreaming, Once Achieved, Dream High.

Decade of Rotating Assets: Visionary Revolutionary Change.

Decade of Epic: Transforming Society.

Clue Yourself: Search Program.

Mainstream Word: Campus, Training Center

Greatness: Creative assembly

Focus on: Imagination

How to learn: Rejection

Key to Success: Improving Quality

Habits: Nosy

Contributive Attitude & Behavior

Fight laziness with diligence:

  • After one, do the other.
  • Be ashamed of not being busy.
  • Make today the busiest day, yesterday has gone and tomorrow is yet to come.
  • Greet a sure livelihood with drops of sweat.

Fight destructive habits with nurturing:

  • Pay attention to good with other good.
  • Don’t ignore the weaknesses around you, look for the strengths.
  • Reconcile conflicts because every person is an asset.
  • Taking care of just one person is like taking care of the whole of humanity.

Fight complacency with your goals:

  • Reach for the stars with optimism.
  • Do not rush to see fate.
  • When tested, welcome the test.
  • Understand that mistakes are inevitable, but tomorrow must be better.

Three Anatomies of Life Leadership

Lead Beliefs: A set of principles & values that also become our sacred mission in life, beliefs give strength.

Lead the Action: Concrete activities based on a set of rules of life

Lead Pekerti: The mental attitude that gives birth to daily behavior.

Typology of Intuiting Intelligence Engine