Thinking introvert

Discussing the Intelligence Engine - Thinking introvert

Ti stands for Thinking Introvert.  If the letter T stands alone, it identifies as Machine-Intelligence. According to the STIFIn concept, there are

there are only five, and T is one of the 5 Intelligence-Machines.  The Intelligence-Machine identity turns into a personality when the Intelligence-Machine is coupled with the type of driving behind it, if the letter T stands alone it is the Intelligence-Machine identity.

There are only two intelligence steering types, i (introvert) and e (extrovert).  Ti is thus already a personality identity. T is capitalized because its influence as an Intelligence-Machine is greater than the lower-case i which acts only as an intelligence rudder.

Simple definition of Thinking introvert

is a personality type based on logical intelligence whose work process is driven from within itself to outside itself.  This Ti personality has the distinction of having the ability to reason deeply in the form of mastery of technology, machinery, and mechanics that exceeds the other eight personality types.  This advantage can be equated with technical intelligence or called TQ (Technical Quotient).

The operating system in type Ti is located in the upper hemisphere of the brain on the left or referred to as the left cerebrum or summarized as the left brain.  In the left brain, the steering wheel of intelligence is in the white layer which is located on the inside. The white left brain is the Ti-type operating system.

The white layer has a denser brain texture because it contains more brain cells. The higher density compared to the outer layer makes the steering wheel of intelligence move from the inside out.  This causes the “master of the body” to self-finance the need to turn his head.The energy that comes to process his left brain comes within himself.

Mesin kecerdasan T sesungguhnya identik dengan tulang.  Mereka memiliki tulang yang besar dan kuat.  Dengan bentuk tubuh (konstitusi) yang piknis terlihat unsur tulang secara proporsional menjadi dominan.  Disebut piknis karena ukurang badan volumenya

T-intelligence machines are actually synonymous with bones.  They have large and strong bones.  With a piknis body shape (constitution), the bone element is proportionally dominant.  It is called piknis because the body size is smaller than other types. smaller than other types. Meanwhile, the bone volume is the most dominant compared to other types. 

As a result, the bones of the skeleton support a lighter load, making it easier to move around. That is why it is called piknis.Type Ti, moreover, because it is supported by the availability of batteries (chargers) within itself, causes Ti to be like a powerful bone.  Although the proportion of bones is more dominant than their body size, T people are generally also lazy to move even though they are actually easy to move.  This is because in Machine-Intelligence T, the available energy tends to be siphoned off by the head.  Whereas the use of energy by the head consumes a lot of energy.


The Essence of you

Your Thinking intelligence refers to your logic, which makes you rational and objective. This intelligence is driven from the inside out, so that you are able to pursue a specific profession.

The brain’s operating system is located in : Left Hemisphere, White Layer (deep). 

Type of intelligence: Technical Quotient.

Role: Expert. 

Pros: Effective (Output per standard).

Target: Certainty.

Expectation: Managing.

Brand Direction: Brand on its expertise (expertise)

Propensity towards money: Calculating.

Physical Shape: Thick piknis

Physical Strength: Large and strong bones.

Body Functions: Powerful bones

Four Key Words: Reasoning, Bone, Independent, Deep.

Learning Method: Reasoning through the text to get the logic and gist of it.

Increasing Interest in Learning: Being given recognition from people he respects.

Self : Looking for a site to specialize in.

Chemistry: Seeking the throne.

Priority Schools leading to careers in suitable industries:  Research, Technology, IT, Mining, Construction, Healthcare, Garments.

School to other chosen professions: Manager/Executive/Judiciary, manufacturing, property business, farming, researcher, manufacturer, petroleum, drilling, programmer, doctor, pharmacist, economist, manager, lecturer/teacher, property, engineer, physicist, chemist, management consultant, tachnocrat, bureaucrat, tax, manufacturer, quality control, auditor, strategist, football coach, policy maker, system analyst, engineer, developer, athlete, etc.

The positives that need to be nurtured and the things you need to watch out for: Very logical but when stuck, relies on the x-factor. Great at managing but timid to get out of his zone, behind his independence he keeps secrets and masks, actually he wants to be served, judges in black and white but is easily provoked, observant and objective but sometimes fails to capture the contextuality of the big picture, becomes a proficient profit machine but is often trapped by trivial things.

Strong personality that can be psychometrically researched:

Conventional : Conventional 

On time : On time

Scheduled : Scheduled / scheduled

Independent :  Stand alone

Focus : Focus

Microscopic : Very small

Inoffensive : Not a nuisance

Endurance : Having endurance

Mechanistic : Mechanistic

Responsible:  Responsible

Scheme : Make a plan

Thinking introvert personality traits (Ti)

This type of personality is filled with logic. Everything is logical. But strangely, the most logical of creatures unconsciously reach the point of not being able to reach their logic and instead rely on the x-factor, hoping for some kind of luck. When it comes to managing they are great but use conflict-avoiding methods because deep down they are actually timid. Although they are very independent, their fear is anticipated by appearing as if they want to “change their face”. They are good at masking.

They actually have an aggressive personality but at the same time are like breastfeeding people who want to be privileged. Behind the black and white of their daily lives lies an unrevealed personal mystery. They seem to be very selfish for whatever reason because they don’t really want to have everything, just enough.

People are so simple as they are. Their greatness lies in their meticulousness as if they are tireless, unfortunately that meticulousness is not accompanied by an understanding of the context of the big picture. They are proficient profit machines but are often trapped by trivialities.


Daily Profile of Thinking introvert Type (Ti)

  • Uses the mind more
  • Solve problems logically
  • Thought minded
  • Using cause and effect
  • Uses analysis without personal consideration.
  • More like a man’s attitude (65%)
  • Fair, decisions based on objective criteria
  • Coldly keeps a distance from others
  • Showing data
  • Giving formal praise
  • Has assertiveness in demanding rights
  • Rarely ask questions if time does not permit
  • More critical to improve work
  • Argue & debate as a critical calling
  • Self-confident on behalf of self
  • Seemingly insensitive

Thinking introvert type's positive attitude

  • Analitycal: Interested in investigating something logical.
  • Strong willed: Very sure of one’s own way.
  • Patient: Unaffected by delays, remains calm and tolerant.
  • Orderly: Organize everything methodically and systematically.
  • Focus: Focus on the job.

Negative attitude of Thinking introvert type

  • Critical: Always evaluating and making judgments, often thinking or expressing negative reactions. 
  • Defensive: Strong defense despite external attacks.

Thinking-type main strengths


Best character Thinking introvert


How to focus an Thinking introvert type (example)

  • School Choice: Management Course
  • Professional Development: Doctoral Program in USA
  • Support: Overseas work experience
  • Final goal: Consultant

Finding a Conducive Habitat

  • Natural Habitat: Highland Open Area
  • Habitat  Social: Educated Society.
  • Industry Habitat: Research & Technology Industry

Learning process characteristics Thinking introvert

Every human being has 5 Intelligence Engines, but only one is dominant and this is called MODALITY OF INTELLIGENCE.

How to Learn Type (Ti):  Analyze, Apply formulas – Systematize – Move up to more complexity 

(understanding the source of the formula and applying it, managing information in a systematic database arrangement, being able to make more complex calculations).

How to Learn Best Thinking: By using your left brain’s ability to THINK. Observe a work process or task, then find the weaknesses, fix them and see the results.

Learning Disease: transculpation, finding a scapegoat for failure. For example: “It’s only natural that my learning results are bad, after all, those taught by Mrs. X in three classes have also proven to be bad.”

Learning Calibration: Gardening, can reduce tension if gardening.

The quality of an Intelligent learner from the lowest to the highest:

(THINKING intelligence engine in THINKING environment)

1. Don’t know if you don’t know.

2. Don’t know if you know.

3. Know if you don’t know.

4. Knows That He Knows.

An Intelligent Person is: A person whose one hemisphere of the brain works better than the same hemisphere in other people, making them SMART in one STIFIn.

A Smart Student is: People who are able to optimize their intelligence machine in the lessons they are studying so as to produce better quality grades.

The stage of overcoming learning disabilities

Increase positive conditions 

Recognize what internal and external conditions can keep you away from the emergence of learning disease triggers, then involve yourself in these conditions as much as possible.

Minimize negative conditions

Recognize what internal and external conditions can trigger the emergence of learning diseases, then avoid these conditions.

Accept your illness

When your illness comes, accept it honestly, especially to yourself. Avoid being defensive, as this will only make things more difficult.

Face your illness under the guidance of your best ‘teacher’

Face your illness by taking actions that are in opposition to it. In this process make sure you are under the guidance of your best “teacher”, so that the process you do becomes a clear and planned process (not wild and sporadic).

Learning smart VS not smart Thinking type



Dependent, stubborn, defensive, enabling


Narrow view, lack of info, not reviewing


Ignorant, lots of uncertainty, no systems & rules.


High error rate, careless, doesn’t bother.



Focus plan, full of initiative, keep looking for the important things


Up-to-date data, strategic analysis, takes everything into account, able to distinguish between facts & opinions


Controls, starts the system and organizes salaries.


Span more thoroughly, keep up to date, always look for wrong sources.

Training Expertise Skills of Thinking Type


  • Establish standard measures of success for each work program
  • Systematize the data base related to previous performance
  • Able to think equally well from start to finish


  • Sharpen to see one’s own as well as others’ work errors and save them
  • scales the flow of work precisely
  • sharpen accuracy precisely


  • Select people to prioritize who need coaching and a special approach
  • Thinking about good recognition for the team
  • Improve the span of control over people to reach the optimal scale in relation to the scale of each load


  • Make systematic important proposals and explain them in arguments
  • Make long-term work plans
  • Learn the technology of daily work tools used

To Become an Expert in Your Field

1.Recognize Machine Intelligence (Ti)

2.Starting a Self-Development Habitat

3.Find a Coach/Teacher to guide your choice of profession.

  • Primary Coach / Teacher Thinking Introvert =>Sensing Extrovert
  • Respected Coach/Teacher Thinking Introvert =>Feeling Extrovert

Decade of Achieving Expert 

Work your way up through the ranks, then advance to higher level organizations.

Decade of Spinning Assets 

Accelerating the self from within through its cleverness.

Decade of Achieving Epos 

Serving as a statesman 

Clue yourself 

Find an organization

Contributive Attitude & Behavior

Fight envy with affection:

  • Always want to make more friends
  • Love others.
  • Always be patient with all negative attacks.
  • Always be happy for the success of others.

Fight stinginess with generosity:

  • Always want to share favors.
  • Giving even above the narrow.
  • Extend EPOS even to enemies.
  • Be generous from the small to the life.

Fight selfishness / asocial by sharing :

  • Building fortune on the needs of others.
  • Not wasting opportunities for charity.
  • Share because you want to share His pleasure.
  • The contents of nature never run out.
  • Always fear Him.

Three Anatomies of Life Leadership

Lead Beliefs: A set of principles & values that also become our sacred mission in life, beliefs give strength.

Lead the Action: Concrete activities based on a set of rules of life

Lead Pekerti: The mental attitude that gives birth to daily behavior.

Typology of Thinking Intelligence Engine